Jimmy Swaggart Jimmy Swaggart Live From Family Worship Center

JSM Notice

The following letter-form was brought about equally a means of teaching my children the Word of God through the mail. And of form, quite naturally so, that�southward the reason I brainstorm these messages with "Dear Children" and end them with "Honey Dad". And then for the rest of you who participate in these weekly messages, please keep their original intended purpose in heed.

Print/PDF 29 December, 2013

Dear Children,

How time flies! I mean, after all, tomorrow will be the twelfth (twelfth) anniversary of our outset Jimmy Swaggart sermonet that nosotros published on 12/xxx/01 � � Jimmy Swaggart And The Accursed!

At present let me clue you in to a few more of the details concerning that very of import sermonet. Because it was but three days later (1/ii/02) that the Lord had me to mail out six (6) copies of � Jimmy Swaggart And The Accursed! � � 1 (one) copy to Jimmy Swaggart, and one (1) copy to each of the v (v) �accursed� mentioned in the sermonet.

And if all that wasn�t bad enough already, it was merely eleven (xi) days later on that the Lord had me to start my journeying from El Paso to Baton Rouge in club to personally meet with Jimmy Swaggart and discuss what I had written in that very of import sermonet.

Well, as it concerned this whole incident with Jimmy Swaggart and �the accursed�, the unimaginable torture that the Lord was putting me through tin all-time exist summed upwards in two (2) little old words: � scared spit-less �. I mean, sending Jimmy Swaggart the sermonet by mail was hard enough� but having to confront him face-to-face was next to impossible! My flesh kept on saying �NO!� every bit the Lord continued to say �You MUST!� In fact it was but after arriving in Baton Rouge that Dominicus night (1/13/02), and having checked into our �Motel 6� accommodations, that the Lord �encouraged� me greatly through the following Words:

Thou therefore gird up thy loins, and arise, and speak unto them all that I control thee: be non dismayed at their faces, lest I confound thee before them.� (Jeremiah 1:17 KJV)

Now those are what I telephone call �Words of encouragement� to simply �practice the Volition of the Begetter�� and exercise it �come Hell or loftier water�! I mean, afterward all, the Lord gave me the choice to either personally face Jimmy Swaggart the very next 24-hour interval or be �broken into pieces� (confounded) before �them� all. And every bit recorded in our 3/x/02 sermonet � The Journeying Of Fear! �, this is how it all went downwards the following morning time:

     And afterward that very thorough conference Sunday night [from the Lord], we arrived at the Jimmy Swaggart SonLife Radio station bright and early Mon forenoon... simply equally the Lord had command me to do. Per His instructions I purchased the remaining iii volumes needed to complete my ready of the Jimmy Swaggart Commentaries (#18, #19, and #xx), and the Brother and I then headed on back out to my truck to pray. It was simply a brusk time thereafter that the Lord gave me His instructions on what we were to do side by side.
     Now, as the Lord would have information technology, we only had to wait a few minutes before Sister Swaggart collection up for her morning radio program... and that�s when I did what I had been told to practice. I introduced myself first so gave her my FMHCCI business concern menu along with the message that "the Lord had sent us to talk with her and Brother Swaggart". I ended our very brief conversation past proverb that nosotros would be waiting for them in the vestibule of the administration edifice. And so from 9:00 until shortly before 12:00 we patiently waited for our God-called meeting... that is until ane of the staff members gave the states the bad news. Because what we were told was that Sister Swaggart wouldn�t be able to meet with u.s.a., however nosotros could brand an appointment for a later date.

So, in that location you have it. The dreadful � confrontation with Jimmy Swaggart � that didn�t even have identify! Even so, the one thing that I didn�t mention in � The Journey Of Fear! � sermonet was the details of that early morning dreadful � confrontation with Frances Swaggart �. Because, you lot run into, equally I introduced myself to Frances Swaggart in front of the SonLife Radio station, what I saw in the �windows of her soul� was purely nothing only the Devil himself! I have never seen the �flames of Hell� in anyone�due south eyes until that morning time with Frances Swaggart. I saw the real Frances Swaggart that nobody�s allowed to come across when the goggle box cameras are rolling.

I mean if looks could impale, I would accept been dead on the spot! But they can�t, and I wasn�t, and here it is near twelve (12) years later that the Lord�southward given us today�s sermonet to write most her. And the following Scriptural Text is what God Omnipotent has called to start out this message on Frances Swaggart and the �flames of Hell� I saw burning in her soul:

For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven confronting all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who concord the truth in unrighteousness ; Considering that which may be known of God is manifest in them; for God hath shewed it unto them. For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, existence understood by the things that are made, fifty-fifty his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse: Considering that, when they knew God, they glorified him not as God, neither were thankful; but became vain in their imaginations, and their foolish heart was darkened. Professing themselves to be wise, they became fools, And changed the glory of the uncorruptible God into an epitome made similar to corruptible human, and to birds, and fourfooted beasts, and creeping things. Wherefore God also gave them up to uncleanness through the lusts of their own hearts, to dishonour their ain bodies betwixt themselves : Who inverse the truth of God into a lie, and worshipped and served the animal more than the Creator, who is blessed for ever. Amen. For this cause God gave them upwardly unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature : And likewise also the men, leaving the natural apply of the woman, burned in their lust one toward some other; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet. And even as they did non similar to retain God in their noesis, God gave them over to a reprobate listen, to do those things which are not user-friendly; Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness; total of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity; whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, despiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, ill-behaved to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful: Who knowing the judgment of God, that they which commit such things are worthy of death, non but practise the same, simply have pleasance in them that do them.� (Romans 1:18-32 KJV)

Now just in case you weren�t counting, the Proficient Lord (through Brother Paul) listed the twenty-three (23) attributes, in verses xx-nine (29) through thirty-one (31) of Romans chapter one (1), of the various �demonic spirits� that attach themselves to the homo or woman who has sexual activity with their own gender. The all-encompassing �sin� being described through those twenty-three (23) different attributes is what�due south commonly referred to as �homosexuality�. The men are called � gays �, and the women are called � lesbians �, and the Lord God Almighty states emphatically that they are � worthy of death!� And by the fashion, the number twenty-iii (#23) is God�s biblical number for �Expiry�!

Frances On Homosexuals

So with all that in mind, let�s at present turn our attention to the 11/xx/thirteen �Frances And Friends� show where Frances Swaggart made the following annotate concerning the outcome of Ray Boltz the �Christian� becoming a �homosexual:

- Frances Swaggart On Homosexuals -
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- Frances Swaggart On Homosexuals -
(Long Version)
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Y'all know, and that�s why Brother, that�s why Brother Clary the Bible tells us not to judge. Because they are judging a person�south conduct. They�re judging this man personally. They�re judging the states personally. We�re dealing with doctrinal issues and believe me there is a very big deviation. But the Bible says, �Practice not gauge personal conduct and criticize people that accept sin in their lives because YOU COULD BE CAUGHT THE Same WAY�.

Now, amazingly so, that�s what Frances Swaggart had to say that the Bible has to say nigh Ray Boltz the �homosexual Christian�!

Practise not estimate personal conduct and criticize people that have sin in their lives because You lot COULD Exist Defenseless THE Same WAY.

Frances Swaggart said that �homosexuality� is non a doctrinal issue. And the post-obit is what Donnie Swaggart had to say near what she had to say:

No, no, no. Simply female parent, homosexuality is doctrinal.

And then I wonder where Frances Swaggart has been since the day that Jimmy Swaggart lost his credentials with the �Assembly Of God� and started his own �Earth Evangelism Fellowship�? I hateful, after all, the following is what Jimmy Swaggart recites each and every time he �ordains� someone every bit a office of his �WEF� denomination:

I charge thee therefore before God, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the expressionless at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the discussion; be instant in season, out of flavour; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine (G1322). For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine (G1322); just after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears; And they shall turn away their ears from the truth, and shall be turned unto fables.� (two Timothy four:1-iv KJV)

Doctrine (G1322) [did-akh-ay'] - From G1321; pedagogy (the act or the thing): - doctrine, hath been taught. (Stiff�s Hebrew And Greek Dictionary)

Doctrine is what it�s all almost! In fact, as information technology concerns this thing most �preaching the Give-and-take� of Romans ane:18-32 �with all longsuffering and doctrine �, the Southern Baptist have washed a fairly expert job of it through their doctrinal statement on �homosexuality�:

We affirm God's plan for marriage and sexual intimacy � one man, and one woman, for life. Homosexuality is not a "valid alternative lifestyle." The Bible condemns it as sin. Information technology is non, notwithstanding, unforgivable sin. The same redemption available to all sinners is available to homosexuals. They, also, may become new creations in Christ.� (From Position Statements, Copyright (c) 1999 - 2013, Executive Commission of the Southern Baptist Convention)

So getting dorsum to this affair about �Ray Boltz the homosexual Christian� and Frances Swaggart placating his sin, I thank God that Donnie Swaggart stood upwardly to his mother with doctrinal correction! Merely the question remains every bit to why in the world do you lot figure Frances Swaggart said what she said? I mean, was Frances Swaggart trying to win favor with the homosexual �Christian� customs and go their new teacher?

For the time will come up when they volition not endure sound doctrine; only after their own lusts shall they heap to themselves teachers, having itching ears;

That�s a very real possibility for the aspiring host of the �Frances And Friends� prove! But so again, we accept Frances Swaggart�s very own true confession of not wanting to judge �Ray Boltz the homosexual Christian� out of fear of � Existence Defenseless THE SAME Way �!

And with all that in listen, let u.s. continue with today�s bulletin entitled � Frances Swaggart And Her Lesbian Lovers?

Now that�southward what you call a championship! Simply oh so very true! Because it was in our sermonet � Attorney Hunter Lundy Exposes Jimmy Swaggart�south Pedophilic Tendencies! � that nosotros included a few of the facts concerning the housewife that Jimmy Swaggart preyed upon for sexual favors dorsum in 1987. Her proper name is Catherine Mary Kampen, and the following excerpt from chapter twelve (12) � � The Loudest Mailman In Town � � of Attorney Hunter Lundy�s book � � Permit U.s.a. Prey � The Public Trial Of Jimmy Swaggart � � was made possible through her sworn testimony to individual investigator Scott Bailey:

     Seeing how dubious she [Catherine Mary Kampen] was about his [Jimmy Swaggart�s] bid for assistance, he revealed that the root of his personal problems was that his married woman, Frances, didn't love him, that instead, she preferred women . This caught Kampen completely off guard. She challenged him that he couldn't exist certain; he said he was, that in that location was a woman in his congregation who was his married woman's lover . He was virtually in tears when he told her this, she recalled, and she had no incertitude that he believed it was true.
     "I felt kind of bad," she told Bailey. "The man looked and then pathetic. When he looked at me while he was saying it, I looked him in the eyes and I knew that man wasn't lying. A homo is not going to acknowledge something like that unless it'south really true considering that's a blow to his ego. A woman with another man is a blow, only a human can tolerate that. But a woman with another woman. . .How can you compete with something like that?"

So, in 1987, Jimmy Swaggart confessed to one of his many sexual victims � Catherine Mary Kampen � that his wife �Frances� is a �lesbian� . Jimmy Swaggart let it be known that his wife �Frances� wasn�t satisfying his sexual needs because she was beingness sexually fulfilled through another woman in his congregation.

Shocking, to say the least! I mean, � Who would have ever imagined(?)� that such God-forbidden sexual atrocities were going on in the lives of Jimmy and Frances Swaggart?

Well, the respond to that �Who� question should be fairly obvious. I mean, later all, the Lord God Almighty is �all-knowing�. And in order to assistance united states better understand what was going on backside the scenes at that time, nosotros have the following testimony from Evangelist Ken Peters:

- Jimmy Swaggart The Judge -
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�Ane year before Jimmy Swaggart � Brother Jimmy Swaggart � fell, God told me � I�one thousand going to bring him down if he doesn�t repent of his ways of judging my people.� He said, �And I will utilize what the book of Proverbs says, that when a homo falls into immorality he�southward been found wanting in the scales of righteousness .� The Bible says �judge not lest you be judged�. That man judged, nigh every one of his sermons, other ministries, other people of God, and God had to expose him .�

Now did you lot grab hold of that last sentence? It�s very important! Because, yous see, the very next �minister� that Jimmy Swaggart just so happened to �gauge�, (at the time that God gave this Discussion to Evangelist Ken Peters), was none other than �Marvin Gorman�. And the reason that Jimmy Swaggart judged Marvin Gorman was in order to �take him out of the moving picture�� as in get rid of withal another �televangelist�.

Without a doubt, Jimmy Swaggart was playing �dingy puddle� with Marvin Gorman! And this is right about the place that Attorney Hunter Lundy enters Marvin Gorman�s �picture show� as his legal representative in a xc million dollar ($xc,000,000) defamation lawsuit against Jimmy Swaggart. In fact the legal proceedings in this court case lasted four and half (4 i/2) years and gathered plenty of �dirty laundry� on �Jimmy Swaggart and his ministry crew� along the mode. Hallelujah!!!

So information technology�due south due to the fact that Jimmy Swaggart didn�t end �judging other ministers� in 1986, that we now have the documented show needed to prepare this sermonet of today. And, of course, this documented show that I�m referring to is independent in the 1999 book published past Attorney Hunter Lundy: � Allow Us Prey � The Public Trial Of Jimmy Swaggart �. In fact the post-obit very informative overview tin can be plant on the back dust cover of that same volume:

Let Us PreyIn retrospect, it was inevitable that two men such as Jimmy Swaggart and Marvin Gorman could non coexist in such close proximity to one another. They were both evangelists within the same denomination who allowable the loyalty and adoration of their respective followers. They both had burgeoning ministries, one already spanning the earth, the other with aspirations of a world-wide ministry. The merely question was which of these men of God would initiate the battle for dominance and reveal himself not equally a minister of grace, simply as a prophet of prey.
     LET US PREY will have you lot behind the scenes of the battle that began in the ecclesiastical courts of one of the largest Protestant denominations in America, moved to the civil courts of the Land of Louisiana, and culminated in i of the virtually publicized and controversial episodes in the history of the modern Church. From a scripted "exorcism" which revealed Marvin Gorman as a demon from hell, to Swaggart'due south systematic entrada within the Assemblies of God to portray Gorman as a habitual adulterer, and finally to Gorman'southward $ninety,000,000 defamation adjust against Swaggart, the truth about Jimmy Swaggart's lust for ability and wealth, his penchant for prostitutes and strippers, his voyeurism and pedophilic tendencies, are all revealed for the first time.

Jimmy Swaggart stepped over the line when he took on Marvin Gorman! Jimmy Swaggart tried to defame Marvin Gorman through lies and half-truths, just God Almighty turned the tables past using Marvin Gorman to expose the real �whoremongering televangelist� by the proper name of Jimmy Swaggart. Because information technology was simply seven (vii) months into his defamation lawsuit against Jimmy Swaggart that the Lord directed Marvin Gorman to capture the �photographic evidence� that would later be used to prove Jimmy Swaggart�s habitual and never-ending sexual immorality with the prostitutes. In fact the post-obit is what Jimmy Swaggart confessed to Marvin Gorman on the day (ten/17/87) that he got defenseless with Debra Murphree:

Jimmy Swaggart

I�ve been doing this for twenty-viii (28) years. I have chased prostitutes in every city where I�ve held revival.

So God finally said, �Plenty is enough!�� and Jimmy Swaggart got exposed� and He used the �Marvin Gorman/Attorney Hunter Lundy� team to do information technology� and information technology�south all been documented in the book � Let Us Casualty � The Public Trial Of Jimmy Swaggart �.

Swaggart And Gorman

And having said all that, we can now accost the issue of �Frances Swaggart and her lesbian lovers� through the documentation found in that aforementioned volume. Because in chapter xiv (14) � � Other Women, Other Men, Other Affairs �� � we find the post-obit shocking details on Frances Swaggart:

     In late 1990 or early 1991, with less than six months remaining before trial, the defendants plain began to feel the pressure of the lack of testify or concrete testimony confronting Gorman. They finally put forth the name of a second woman who was willing to swear under oath to having had a sexual thing with Gorman.
     Her name was Gail McDaniel, a resident of Shreveport, Louisiana. She claimed she had had sexual intercourse with Gorman in the early 1970s while attention Kickoff Assembly of God in New Orleans at its erstwhile address on Elysian Fields Street� When Gail was very young, she was confronted past Gorman about allegations that she had made homosexual advances toward another, younger girl in the church .
Rodney and Frances Duron Ronnie Goux, another church building officer, was involved when Gorman confronted Gail. This was because the complaining girl was none other than Gaylette Richardson, Ronnie's sis-in-law. This news put a new and somewhat bizarre cast on things, particularly because Ronnie's married woman, Lynette, would later confess some sort of sexual encounter with Marvin Gorman to Frances Swaggart. Or such was the rumor. We also believed that Lynette Goux, who had moved into the Swaggart mansion temporarily, may well have been the "other woman" Swaggart mentioned in connection to Frances when he told Catherine Kampen that his wife preferred the love of women to men
Gail McDaniel was presently attending a church in Shreveport pastored by Reverend Rodney Duron, whose wife, Frances, was, past happenstance, a close personal friend of Frances Swaggart's. Frances Duron as well wrote for The Evangelist , which farther indicated that a close relationship existed between the families. Information technology was apparent, in other words, that the connection betwixt Gail McDaniel and Marvin Gorman came through the two Franceses, and, hence, through Swaggart himself.
McDaniel's story was that when she was a young and innocent child attending the Starting time Assembly of God of New Orleans, she was all of a sudden and wrongfully accused by Gorman and Ronnie Goux of inappropriate sexual conduct with a minor teenager of the same gender 4 years younger than she. According to McDaniel, Gorman and Goux threatened to turn her over to the police and bulldoze her out of the church; just, Gorman told her, there was an culling: If she would have sexual activity with him, the entire matter would be forgotten.
     McDaniel went on to state that she was a virgin at the time�most definitely heterosexual�and that Gorman knew this when he coerced her into having intercourse with him on the floor of his office at the church on Elysian Fields Street�
At the same fourth dimension, the event of homosexual behavior continued to emanate from the instance, almost like a nighttime aura that could never be clearly seen or defined. The obvious scenario with regard to McDaniel, for instance, was that she and Frances Duron were continued, and that Frances Duron and Frances Swaggart were continued, and that Frances Swaggart and Lynette Goux were connected. If these connections were sexually based, and so what we were viewing was a cloak-and-dagger band of lovers in the very heart of Swaggart's ministerial family. Further, if McDaniel, as we suspected, was either homosexual or at to the lowest degree bisexual, and so it was not beyond the realm of possibility that her feel of beingness deflowered by a government minister might well accept come at the bidding, not of Marvin Gorman, but of Jimmy Swaggart; we knew from Murphree and Kampen, that Swaggart was at least a marginal pedophile, and by her testimony, McDaniel had been both a child and a virgin at the time of the alleged incident. Was it possible that the Swaggarts had somehow persuaded her to come forwards and tell of a true incident simply to alter the proper name of the minister in question from Swaggart to Gorman?

Now what you accept just read are only a few of the sordid facts apropos the �other women, other men, and other affairs� in the life of �Jimmy and Frances Swaggart�. In fact it�s readily apparent that the women used in the Swaggart�south efforts to defame Marvin Gorman only ended up exposing themselves as being a role of � a secret band of lovers � in the very centre of Swaggart�s ministerial family unit. And every bit it concerns Gail McDaniel, only one of these � lesbians � in � Frances Swaggart�s hole-and-corner ring of lovers �, here�s what Attorney Hunter Lundy recorded in affiliate seventeen (17) � � Requite Me A Witness � � of his volume:

Gail McDaniel

     1 of my concerns all along had been the office that Gail McDaniel would play in the court. I was not surprised to see that defence force counsel had designated McDaniel'south video deposition for trial, something I desperately wanted to avert. I wanted this witness, the only "other woman" willing to bear witness that she had had sexual intercourse with Gorman , to announced alive and discipline herself to cantankerous-examination. By offering only her videotaped deposition, defense counsel confirmed my original notion that her testimony was a sham, that she never intended to exist available for testimony at trial. I was now convinced that she was coached, scripted and paid off in substitution for her deposed testimony.
     I believed the only manner a jury would sense McDaniel'south lack of credibility was to see her in person. Accordingly, equally soon as I became aware that defense force counsel planned to use only her deposition and not to call her, I fired off a subpoena. Unless I compelled her appearance in court, she could conform to be out of the country, could fifty-fifty relocate conveniently without severing personal or vocational ties in Louisiana. Shreveport is immediately across the country line from Texas and isn't far at all from Arkansas; she could even commute dorsum and along to work, if she so chose.
     In response to this preemptive action, an chaser from Shreveport who had not been previously involved in the case appeared and filed a Movement to Quash the subpoena on the grounds that McDaniel would be going into the hospital for back surgery and would not be available for the trial. A hearing was postponed on that issue, just we immediately sent our human being Scott Bailey to Shreveport to put her under surveillance. He learned that she had indeed checked into the hospital in that location; however, she was released during the trial. We besides had an attorney friend of Gorman's, Carl Rice, become to the little eating place owned past the Assembly of God church Gail attended; he plant her waiting tables in the eatery, piece of work that would not be routinely recommended for a person recovering from dorsum surgery.
We also learned that after giving her deposition, McDaniel acquired a 300ZX which was originally registered to her good friend, Frances Duron, who was too a close friend of the Swaggarts as well. The car was ostensibly a gift, only information technology was evident to u.s.a. that Gail McDaniel had been bought and paid for.
     Based on this information, we objected to the defendants' apply of the McDaniel video, and the court ordered her to announced. Her chaser returned from Shreveport and once again argued that she had had dorsum surgery, merely we produced the medical records showing she had long since been released from the hospital and that we had testify she had been doing work that would require her to put her dorsum under greater strain than appearing in court perchance could. Nosotros, of course, were doubtful that she had ever had back surgery. Even if she had, we thought this was a somewhat extreme length to go to only to avoid having to repeat her deposition lies in open court.
     Bailes denied her attorney'south pleas and ordered her to be in court to give her testimony in person, and she ultimately did appear, though not until the next-to-last week of the litigation.
When she did appear, McDaniel paraded into the courtroom with an all-male person entourage, including a homo who appeared to exist her bodyguard. She took the stand and represented that another man in her company was her fianc�. We knew this was a prevarication, since by now we believed that she was a lesbian, had never been married, and never intended to be married, at least not in a heterosexual sense. She stated under oath that her dorsum surgery required this "fianc�" to carry her up the stairs to the courtroom. (It was not until afterwards the trial that we learned that she walked up the stairs under her own steam, immediately in forepart of iv of the jurors.)
On cross-examination, I was easily able to impeach her on times and dates and the fact that she could not call up anything almost the details of the purported coerced sexual encounter with Gorman. Again, she testified that she was a virgin at the fourth dimension this took place and that it had created a rage that stayed within of her all of these years and that she had just waited until recently to disembalm it to Frances Duron who subsequently disclosed it to Frances Swaggart.
I asked for data apropos the souvenir of the 300ZX from Frances Duron, which also produced responses that were vague and evasive. I was itching to found a sexual connection between her and ane of the key players in Swaggart's circle, even to Swaggart himself, but I was unable to find a way to lay the proper foundation in order to brand such testimony relevant. Although I did contend in closing arguments that the automobile and the job in the church cafeteria were payoffs for Gail's perjured testimony.
     In the first assay, though, McDaniel'due south story of blackmail and coerced sex activity was so incredible on its face up that it may, in the long run, take helped Gorman more than than it harmed him. No ane seemed to believe it� not even apparently defense counsel. It was merely farther testify of the maliciousness of which the Swaggarts were capable.
     In spite of my fears to the reverse, and owing in large office to Estimate Bailes' ruling that a prima facia instance of conspiracy existed, Gail McDaniel proved to be a plush witness to Swaggart'due south example. Ironically, they and the Durons paid a great bargain but to harm themselves.

Then with all that in mind, you should now have a pretty good flick of the �lesbian� Gail McDaniel that was used by the Swaggarts as a �character witness� to substantiate their lies concerning Marvin Gorman. And seeing how �birds of a feather flock together�, we tin now readily place them all as the Romans chapter 0ne (1) �depression-life characters� that they really are.

What a mess! Frances Swaggart and her � secret band of lesbian lovers �: Gail McDaniel , Frances Duron , and Lynette Goux .

Now just in case the volume of information has been a little as well much, we have the post-obit short synopsis from Ann Rowe Seaman�s volume � Swaggart: The Unauthorized Biography Of An American Evangelist �:

     Gorman had insisted he'd only had one interrupted session with [Lynda] Cruel, just afterward he admitted the Talbot encounter, Lee produced a taped 1989 deposition where he had admitted to three months of kissing and petting Lynette Goux, the Swaggarts' family friend of a decade before. Goux could not be found to evidence for her onetime friends. Gorman tried to explain that the petting was just amore�though at in one case he had touched her breast. He protested that he'd confessed to her husband, whereupon Jimmy's chaser dryly made him admit that that confession came eight years later.
Simply some queer facts emerged about Goux. First, Hunter Lundy's investigations turned up that in that location was a close relationship betwixt Goux and Gail McDaniel , the witness who said Gorman had coerced her into sex activity on his office floor when she was his 18-twelvemonth-old babysitter. The sex was supposedly in return for Gorman's help in quieting rumors of McDaniel's lesbianism. The accusations of lesbianism, it turned out, came from none other than Lynette Goux's husband, Ronald, who was on Jimmy'south board at the fourth dimension. The girl McDaniel had allegedly approached was Ronald's young sister-in-police.
Second, Lynette at some betoken moved into Frances Swaggart'southward dwelling house (effectually the time she and Ronald were divorced; Ronald ended up testifying on behalf of Jimmy). Was she the parishioner that Jimmy allegedly told Cathy Kampen was Frances' lesbian lover?
Tertiary, according to Lundy, Gail McDaniel went on to join a church building in Shreveport whose pastor's married woman was close friends with Frances and who was likewise named Frances. After Gail gave a degradation in favor of Jimmy, she was given a motorcar�a 300ZX�past Frances Duron, the Shreveport pastor's wife.
     To Lundy, the intimacy of these relationships smacked of possible collusion. Moreover, Lynette Goux managed to duck subpenas and never testified at trial or gave a deposition.

So there you lot have it: Attorney Hunter Lundy�s investigative findings on � Frances Swaggart � and her � secret band of lesbian lovers �! Talk about � queer findings�!

Now with all that in mind, you would retrieve it virtually impossible for Frances Swaggart to go on her �hole-and-corner� so well hidden. I hateful, subsequently all, she is a very �public� figure seen all around the globe.

Well, Frances Swaggart may be very discrete� but some of the �women� she has working for her are non. Take for instance Jennifer (Douglas) Richards who works in the front office of the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries headquarters building. She�south the sister of Gabe Swaggart�s wife, Jill, and she�s been in that location for quite a long time. In other words, Jennifer (Douglas) Richards is very well �liked� by Frances Swaggart. She�s one of �Frances� girls� otherwise she wouldn�t have kept her job very long later on we helped the following �indiscreet motion-picture show� to make its rounds on the Internet:

Jennifer And Friend

So in that location you have a moving picture-perfect �lesbian� pose from Jennifer (Douglas) Richards and her �friend�. And what�southward so disturbing well-nigh this detail �spirit� of Jennifer (Douglas) Richards is that she �ministers� to the youth on Gabe Swaggart�s �Crossfire� worship team at Jimmy Swaggart�s ministry.

Crossfire Worship Team

What a prissy �spirit� to influence the youth! And as it concerns �ungodly spirits� and Crossfire Youth Ministries, information technology�s really only the tip of the iceberg! In fact bank check out � Gabriel Swaggart And His Unholy Worship Team! �, � Joseph Larson�southward Sex Sins And Gabriel Swaggart! �, and � Jimmy Swaggart�s Hard Rock Caf�! � for much more on the field of study.

And moving right along nosotros take yet another one of �Frances� girls� � Nikki Tracy. I mean Nikki Tracy has been with the Jimmy Swaggart Ministries for a very long time! In fact her father Nick Tracy works in the JSM TV department and was likewise mentioned in the �dream� segment of our recent sermonet � Jimmy Swaggart And His Murderous Spirit!

Merely anyway, here�s a picture show of Nikki Tracy (on the left) posing with Nancy Harmon and �BJ� Vavasseur during one of the Jimmy Swaggart services at Family Worship Eye:

Nikki, Nancy, and BJ

Nikki TraceyAnd then that�due south what Nikki Tracy looks like when she�s in the ministry environs. All the same, the picture on the right is what Nikki Tracy looks like when she�s �away from information technology all� and �doing her own affair� on one of those cruise ship �political party boats�.

Now with �doing her own matter� in mind, I�ve e'er wondered why some �women� would want to clothes equally �men�. And what I�ve been told is that the �women� that want to play the role of the �men� in a �lesbian� relationship will not just practice then �sexually� but also in their �attire� and �mannerisms�.

So there yous take a brief overview of the person who probably has the single about important job as 1 of �Frances� girls�. Considering, you see, Nikki Tracy is Jimmy Swaggart�s personal secretary� simply yet her orders come directly from his wife. Nikki Tracy is what you lot might desire to telephone call Frances Swaggart�southward �watch dog� over her most precious commodity. She keeps the unwanted influences out of Jimmy Swaggart�due south life!

I mean, afterwards all, how far would �Jezebel� take gotten without her married man �Ahab�? It was only due to Ahab�southward kingship that Jezebel was able to accept command and rule over his kingdom.

Jezebel must remain in control� and no outsider volition exist allowed to interfere!

Sun SwaggartIn fact, just to show you how important Nikki Tracy�due south job really is, it wasn�t too many years agone that Frances Swaggart�s biggest threat was Jimmy Swaggart�s very own dad. I mean this was i man that Frances Swaggart needed to completely cake out of Jimmy Swaggart�s life� and at whatever the cost!

You see �Sun� Swaggart, as he was called, was adamant most Jimmy Swaggart getting himself a �real woman�� i who would relish having sexual relations with her married man. In fact the following is just a sample of what he had to say nearly Jimmy Swaggart�southward wife �Frances� ( http://www.fmh-child.org/JSM_SunSwaggart.pdf ):

Frances is a cold fish. It�south a married woman�s duty to keep her human being happy. I told my son he should be a human being and throw her out! He should get out her and find a Existent woman! I told Jimmy: �Get your butt downward to the courthouse and file for divorce.� His issues would be over if he�d exit that adult female.

Jimmy Swaggart�s male parent spoke the preceding words as he lay in a hospital room recovering from an car accident. W.50. �Sun� Swaggart � quondam pastor of Calvary Associates Of God Church in Billy Rouge, LA � saw God�south �handwriting on the wall�� and it was time for him to speak out about it! Because it was only weeks before that the following 2 (ii) primal events had taken place in the life of his son, Jimmy Swaggart:

* The decision is handed down on Marvin Gorman�s �defamation lawsuit� against �Jimmy Swaggart and associates� on September the 12th 1991. The jury rules in favor of Marvin Gorman. They found that Marvin Gorman�s ruination had not taken place at the hands of a single individual, only was rather a deliberate character assassination and defamation orchestrated and performed by the entire Swaggart institution. Subsequently the trial, the jurors made mention of how they had observed the gaudy wearing apparel worn by Frances Swaggart, and the apparent discord between her and Jimmy Swaggart . By contrast, they believed Marvin and Virginia Gorman had a shut, loving relationship equally seen through their pocket-size, self-effacing appearance.

* Jimmy Swaggart gets ticketed for driving on the wrong side of the road in the red-light district of Indio, CA, on October the 11th 1991. His rider at the fourth dimension is a well-known prostitute, Rosemary Garcia. She testified that Jimmy Swaggart had 3 pornographic magazines on the passenger seat when he picked her upwards for sexual activity. Each magazine was folded out to a certain page for illustrative purposes. 1 showed two women having sexual practice together, another showed a man and woman having sex together, and the 3rd showed a woman sexually pleasing herself.

Jimmy Swaggart was in serious trouble with the Lord God Almighty� and his begetter knew information technology! In fact, at that time the most influential person in Jimmy Swaggart�s life that could assist him become back on the �straight and narrow path with Jesus� was none other his male parent, �Sunday� Swaggart. But withal �in that location he lay� with broken ribs in a hospital bed later on existence incapacitated by a tractor-trailer rig. (See � Jimmy Swaggart And His Murderous Spirit! � for more than information on �JSM murder� and �xviii-wheelers�.)

Merely getting back to this matter about the �spirit of Jezebel�, do you lot call back that merely maybe she was a �lesbian� too? I mean, after all, those � twenty-iii (23) attributes � of verses 18 through thirty-two (xviii-32) of Romans affiliate one (1) seem to fit her contour to a �T�.

And speaking of the �controlling power� of Jezebel, Jimmy Swaggart volition be the first to admit it: � What Frances wants, Frances gets!� I mean, bank check it out for yourself and meet.

- What Frances Wants, Frances Gets! -
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Jezebel and Ahab�: what a trip! In fact � Jimmy Swaggart REJECTS The Cross Of Christ! � was the first sermonet (I believe) in which the Lord gave me the comparison betwixt �them� and �Frances and Jimmy�� and the following was one of the key verses that He gave me apropos the �ii�:

But there was none similar unto Ahab, which did sell himself to piece of work wickedness in the sight of the LORD, whom Jezebel his wife stirred upwards.� (one Kings 21:25 KJV)

What Frances wants, Frances gets!� And, of course, that�s the very same reason the Lord God Almighty continues speaking �Ezekiel 24:15-eighteen� to Jimmy Swaggart. In fact the following are the words of Jimmy Swaggart concerning what God�s trying to say to him equally recorded in our sermonet � Jimmy Swaggart REJECTS The Cross Of Christ! �:

Ezekiel was in Babylonia prophesying, and when his wife died, she was in her 30�s, when she died of a stroke God told the prophetDon�t shed a tear, go about your duties and prophesy to the people every bit if though she had not died.� Every fourth dimension I read that I can hardly become through it. I want to sayGod what are you asking?� Because He was showing Israel this is and then important that muth, nix must end the message. Non even the death of the virtually lovely one in your life Ezekiel.

And then for many years now, God Almighty has been telling Jimmy Swaggart, �Forget almost your wife Frances; she�south expressionless!� But yet Jimmy Swaggart has connected to ignore God to the indicate of leaving out the give-and-take �wife� when he quotes the following verse:

�And there went great multitudes with him: and he turned, and said unto them, If any homo come to me, and hate not his father, and mother, and married woman , and children, and brethren, and sisters, yea, and his own life also, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not carry his cross, and come after me, cannot exist my disciple.� (Luke 14:25-27 KJV)

And, of course, it�southward because of the fact that Jimmy Swaggart has refused to � get rid of Frances �, as God has ordained, that he�s at present preaching �another Jesus and some other cantankerous� to supervene upon the 1 that he refused to take up and deport considering of his �married woman�:

If any man come to me, and hate not his wife, he cannot be my disciple. And whosoever doth not bear his cantankerous, and come up subsequently me, cannot exist my disciple.

One of Jimmy Swaggart�southward crosses, that he was commanded to carry, was the cantankerous that would bring about his intense suffering as he obeyed God Omnipotent by getting rid of his wife Frances!

That was what Jimmy Swaggart was �ordered� to do. Merely since he didn�t practice it, the �lesbian spirit� of Romans ane:18-32 has pervaded his ministry� and the post-obit dream proves it:

One morning, not long before i was supposed to get upwardly, i had a dream that I know the Lord gave me considering it was RIGHT before I awoke and was in SLOW careful movement! And it was very much of what I had been FEELING/ DISCERNING at FWC..... I dreamed that I was comatose at night and in the darkest DEAD of the dark when NO ONE was awake, i was awakened with an urgency to get upwardly and drive upward to FWC, so i went right away. When i drove into the parking alot, I could see it was empty... merely the lights inside FWC were on.. I walked up to the doors and pulled and they were unlocked. I went in and was in disbelief at what was going on...( non having lived in LA e'er earlier Or ever celebrating Mardi Gras... i don't know what that is,) but in my dream, the atmosphere was equally Mardi Gras! People were all over the place- but these ppl were filled with debauchery and evil- they were taking down the momentos and pics on the walls of the Swaggarts and family unit and laughing and mocking them.. pointing and laughing... some were driving bout trolleys right through the foyer while a guide was pointing and showing them things- like a museum or something! more laughing, mocking, screaming.... Some were partying and opened secret wall panels that showed a fully stocked bar Subconscious right in the WALLS! I was standing there in HORROR and asked why were they in that location? This was incorrect! (Because and so, I thought the Swaggarts and JSM were good and merely had a bad evil group inside running things....) But then, ii obese and horryfyingly ugly women wrapped in blankets grabbed me and dragged me into one of those side rooms, which would have been the bookstore- and it was black and nighttime inside, but i could see the women! They performed a horrible sexual practice act with each other forcing me to sentinel and laughed maniacally(sp) I was able to tear abroad from them and escape out of the room and ran out of the church equally no i else fifty-fifty noticed me or spoke to me and the dream ended.. then right away, I woke upward and had a very deep forboding nigh information technology.. because the people there didn't break in... they obviously had the keys to the doors... they all met their in the cover of dark in the center of the night... like a coven meeting for a ritual....they were unashamed and brazen...i felt vile, filthy and violated for existence in THERE WITH THEM! and witnessing what i did!

You see the preceding testimony was from a Sister in the Lord who was attending Jimmy Swaggart�s �Family Worship Center� at the time. And the reason God gave her that dream was to testify her the �spirits� that had taken over Jimmy Swaggart�s ministry. It was a alert� it was real� and information technology was time for her to go out!

Wherefore come up out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing ; and I will receive you, And volition be a Begetter unto you, and ye shall be my sons and daughters, saith the Lord Omnipotent.� (2 Corinthians half dozen:17-18 KJV)

At that place you take it! � Frances Swaggart And Her Lesbian Lovers?� and � Swaggart-ites beware!� Then for all those to whom this alert might apply, please get the heck out of JSM earlier information technology�s too tardily� and � go on on keeping the organized religion in Jesus!!!


Dad (Bruce Hallman)


I Die Daily

Jimmy Swaggart Sermonets



Source: http://www.fmh-child.org/S12.29.13.html

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